(abstract of Maarten-Jan's sample)
\startbuffer[tikz] \starttikzpicture \draw[red,thick] (0,0) -- (1,1) {[rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)} -- (3,0) -- (2,1); \stoptikzpicture \stopbuffer
\placefigure {The figure is flushed left, whereas it should be centered.} {\externalfigure[tikz.tmp]}
Hello, I've been playing a bit with the most simple tikz examples so far, but after I saw this example I got an impression that ConTeXt users might also want to see syntax like \starttikzpicture[optional options]{name} ... \stoptikzpicture \usetikzpicture{name} in addition to the existing one, which would then be equivalent to syntax of including metapost graphics. There are dozens of other \start[whatever] commands defined in the module, but I have no idea what all of them do. Perhaps \startpgfpicture might be another command worth considering, but I have no idea about the rest. Mojca