David Antos wrote:
would it be possible to define || for compound words to act as \discretionary{-}{-}{-}? In Czech, the hyphen for compound words should be repeated in the following line.
This mechanism is already present in the ConTeXt: use |_| like "bude|_|li". Unfortunately, AFAIK there are two drawbacks: 1) From some time the hyphen started to be defined \def\compoundhyphen{\hbox{-\kern-.25ex-}} but for Czech is better: \def\compoundhyphen{-} I intend to incorporated it to Czech support. (cont-cz.tex ?) 2) This kind of |.| does not operate inside with XML processing. Here is minimal example sent last week: ----- \defineXMLentity[hyphen]{|_|} \starttext dojde|_|li \startXMLdata dojde‐li \stopXMLdata \stoptext ------ Vit Zyka