The joinedup parameter in \startitemize is meant to close the gap between the list and the preceding material. The margin parameter is for horizontal movement of the list, is I understand it. However, addition of a margin to the \startitemize disables the joinedup. Is this expected behaviour? Below is a minimal example showing the effect. Hans van der Meer \setupblank[small] \setupitemize[n,packed] \starttext \contextversion\ After \type{\startitemize[joinedup]} joinedup ok: \startitemize[joinedup] \item sub a \startitemize \item sub a1 \item sub a2 \stopitemize \item sub b \stopitemize \contextversion\ After type[joinedup,margin=2cm] joinedup ineffective: \startitemize[joinedup,margin=2cm] \item sub a \startitemize \item sub a1 \item sub a2 \stopitemize \item sub b \stopitemize \stoptext