Hi, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
There is a problem on this list :( New list hiccups I assume.
Sorry, I might be the guilty one here, I probably approved the e-mail by mistake. Due to the server reinstallation, the list is not filtered for spams anymore, and it receives a literal orgy of spam since then.
Yeah. There is nothing like a few unprotected days to let you appreciate the value of spam filtering. I have some hopes that spamassassin is now running again (and debian's policy of regarding *everything* as a potential security hazard is definately getting on my nerves by now). A local spamassassin is not as good as the remote filtering service we used to have on the old ntg.nl server via surf.net, but we cannot restore that until the normal NTG system admin is back from vacation. Best wishes, Taco