Am 27.06.2011 um 04:07 schrieb Kip Warner:
Hey folks,
I'm having difficulty getting an external image to display on its own page, with the page in landscape mode, and the image uniformly scaled as large as can fit on that page.
Relevant portions of my environment file include...
\setuplayout [\c!location=\v!middle, \c!style=\ss, \c!backspace=2.5cm, \c!topspace=1.5cm, \c!width=16cm, \c!margindistance=.25cm, \c!margin=2.5cm, \c!height=\v!middle]
\definelayout [fullpage] [\c!backspace=0pt, \c!topspace=0pt, \c!width=\v!middle, \c!height=\v!middle, \c!header=0pt, \c!footer=0pt]
\definepapersize[main][A4][A4] \definepapersize[diagram][A4,landscape][A4,landscape]
And the actual image in my component is here:
\page \setuppapersize[diagram] \placefigure [force][figure:MyImage] {My image caption.} {\externalfigure[MyImage][factor=max]} \page \setuppapersize[main]
The document is all in portrait mode, save the page with the figure which is landscaped, as intended. But the image sits only occupying the top left quarter of the page. I've tried changing factor from max to broad and fit, and to no avail.
Make a working minimal example. BTW: Why do you use “\c!” and “\v!” for the setups, the aren’t necessary? Wolfgang