WN wrote:
I use a lot of mathematics i.e a lot of integral symbols (\oint, \oiint, \oiiint ) for my documentation. I could not find the corresponding Context math symbols. I suppose they are not defined as yet ?
No, they are not. I already noticed this question last time, but didn't know how to answer it. The main problem is that not only the symbols: not even the proper font is defined. \oiint resides in "pxexa" font, which is mapped to Palatino-Math-Extension-A, but that font is not mapped any further. It would be nice to "define" (copy definitions from LaTeX) those amsmath symbols once anyway (probably the first time when someone will need them). An example of such a definition would be: \definemathsymbol [boxdot] [bin] [ma] ["00] (copied from \re@DeclareMathSymbol{\boxdot}{\mathbin}{AMSa}{0} in pxfonts.sty) After that you can use $\boxdot$. But this font is mapped to "ma", while I have no idea which steps are needed to do the same for "Math-Extension-A" fonts. In order to make yout integral signs work, you have to ask Adam/Taco/Hans for font definitions first. After that you will need the following two definitions: \definemathsymbol [oiintop] [op] [m?] ["10] \definemathsymbol [oiiintop] [op] [m?] ["51] \definemathcommand [oiint] {\oiintop\nolimits} \definemathcommand [oiiint] {\oiiintop\nolimits} [Second part of the mail removed ...] Mojca PS for Hans: regarding the math definitions: are the two functions general enough to deserve two lines in math-tex? \definemathcommand [erf] [nolop] {\mfunction{erf}} \definemathcommand [erfc] [nolop] {\mfunction{erfc}}