Hi, I'm recently testing mkiv/luatex (ConTeXt ver: 2008.07.18 18:38 MKIV fmt: 2008.7.19 installed; compiling with 'context file') for a new project. I don't know if my questions depend on mkii or mkiv specifics. I have some problems figuring out what kind of parameters I can use to setup footnotes in a multicolumn layout (is it better to use column sets and define areas?). When I'm using location=lastcolumn then footnotes get placed in the last column *inside* the text column while when using firstcolumn as an option they will be placed below the first column but outside the text column at the end of the page. And both columns don't get balanced. How can I get two text columns balanced and footnotes place on the last column at the end of the page? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - To illustrate what I want (x=text, m=footnote text): A) If the page is 'full' xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. nnnnnnnnnnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2. nnnnnnnnnnn xxxxxxxxxxxxxx nnnnnnnnnnnnnn B) If the page is only partially filled: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. nnnnnnnnnnn 2. nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - How can I get footnote numbers aligned with the left margin of the text/column block (margindistance=0em doesn't help)? Footnotes should run as a 'normal' paragraph (no hanging). I'm also quiet lost what options I can set with \setupfootnotes, because they are not explained in the manual (ma-cb-en-print.pdf, p. 46; cont-eni.pdf, p. 101) ... My test file looks like this: \setuplayout[grid=yes] \setupbodyfont [9pt] \setupfootnotes[location=lastcolumn,rule=off,numbercommand=\myfootnotenumber ] \def\myfootnotenumber#1{#1. } \starttext \startcolumns[n=2,tolerance=verytolerant] Hasselt is an old Hanseatic City, situated 12~km north of Zwolle at the river Zwartewater. The city has a long history since obtaining the city charter around 1252. Part and parcel of this history can be traced back to a large number of monuments to be admired in the city center.\footnote{Erste Fußnote!} There you will find the St. Stephanus church, a late gothic church dating back to 1479 with a magnificent organ. The former Municipal Building is situated on The Market Place. Constituted between 1500\footnote{Zweite Fußnote! Die kommt immer nach der ersten Fußnote und ist manchmal viel zu lang.} Hello World! \stopcolumns \stoptext Best regards, Ulrich P.S. the notepad++/context support seems broken with notepad++ v.5.00. I got TeX as a language but no menu entries for compiling ...