(which will scale the math font, but not change it to Kurier-Bold).
Or you can define a typescript for kurier-bold (see type-otf for examples), and then use
Hi Aditya, your first solution works very well. You saved my day, thanks a lot! I think Hans tried to explain it to me but I didn't get him. I have read the documentation about typescripts but I did not understand it well. Let's say I have the following simple example: \starttypescript[sans][test] \definefontsynonym[Test] [file:FuturaStd] [features=default] \stoptypescript how can I use it in 'usetypescript' now to change the font type? I tried \usetypescript[test] and \usetypescript[sans][test] followed by \defineframedtext[important][style={\switchtobodyfont[test,24pt]}] but it didn't work (to be specific, the font size is ok, but the font type did not change) Armin ___________________________________________________________ WEB.DE DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99 ¿/mtl.!* http://web.de/DSL-Doppel-Flatrate/