Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Matthias Wächter wrote:
https://foundry.supelec.fr/frs/?group_id=14 gives me quite some versions of Context, but the download paths for each precise version is not related to the release date or the SVN revision, Correct. SVN release ids have numbers, not dates, and it was a bitch getting all this stuff into subversion as it was, so I did not want to fiddle too much with extra tag ids. The SVN log entry is always the release date number.
So you take the official, newly released .zip file, unpack it to the checked out Subversion copy, and commit the changes using your name and the release date as commit text (no change tracking using information from the Release Notes or the prime version control system),? It's not that Context development is actually performed on supelec.fr, is it? Looks like a lot of effort (riding the horse backwards). So: Why is Context development not performed on a public SVN repository? The whole release procedure would be a lot simpler then ... Am I too progressive asking this? ;)
For the 'Files' section, it could actually be retrofitted, by rearranging the uploaded files (and uploading a few hundred extra zip files that are now skipped). I will happily give anybody who wants to do such a project enough gforge permissions to do so ;-)
I don't understand precisely what actions you mean. Maybe together we can work out a better 'Files' section.
Second: I tried to checkout the repository anonymously as mentioned on https://foundry.supelec.fr/scm/?group_id=14 without success That is odd, because it should have worked. I will investigate
Thank you very much!
Just a configuration hint (actually I don't know how much access you have to the various SVN config files on supelec.fr):
1) Put a "* = r" for the part (or whole) of the repository in the file referred to by the AuthZSVNAccessFile directive in the apache config. Usually, the file looks like the following enabling write access for users "taco" and "hans" while only read access for anybody including anonymous:
committers = taco, hans
* = r
@committers = rw
2) Assure that "Require valid-user" is accompanied by "Satisfy Any" inside the <Location>...</Location> section of the apache config file. An example config section is