My apologies if I'm dumbing down the level of discussion here. But I'm trying to get my head around fonts and bidirectionality using ConTeXt MkIV (as a rather unsophisticated user, not as a developer). To begin with, since it's all bit much at once, I'm trying to use simplefonts. I am unclear how to establish English as my language and its font as my main font (using the default font), and Arabic as a secondary language (using Scheherazade). What would I change in the ara-sty environment found on wiki.contextgarden.net/Arabic_and_Hebrew? Or, if I don't need to use this, should I define my own macro in my tex document for directionality? I'm probably making a mess of some basic things here, but could use some help. I have working familiarity with Fontspec over on the XeLaTeX side of things, but the sparse documentation of simplefonts is leading to my uncertainty as how to proceed. Many thanks in advance. Kind regards, Talal