Sorry for interrupting the luatex discussion with a pedestrian question, but my book is almost finished, and this will not be the last one: In the following minimal example, the left column contains 5, the right one 3 lines. I tried \column to get 4 + 4, but it didn't work \starttext \startcolumns[rule=on] \starttabulate[|l|r|] \NC one: \NC text \NC\NR \NC two: \NC text \NC\NR \NC three: \NC text \NC\NR \NC four: \NC text \NC\NR \NC five: \NC text \NC\NR \NC six: \NC text \NC\NR \NC seven: \NC text \NC\NR \NC eight: \NC text \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopcolumns \stoptext Thanks, Jörg -- Prof.Dr.med. Jörg Hagmann-Zanolari Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics Centre of Biomedicine, University of Basel Mattenstrasse 28 CH-4058 Basel Switzerland Phone +41 (0)61 267 3565