On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:36:42 -0500 (EST)
Aditya Mahajan
On Tue, 6 Feb 2007, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Can someone suggest a better way to do this?
I found another way, I hope that it has no gotcha's
search for group(ed)(empty|argument) in cont-sys.tex
Did you mean syst-gen.tex? I tied dodoublegroupempty but it did not work in one case (see previous post) and I can not figure out why.
Hi Aditya, I tried something similiar and copied a example from core-rul.tex The following macro use a method copied from textrule and the second argument between the braces should be optional. I looked into the log file created with tracingmacros and it seems TeX cannot find the optional argument. \long\def\startDEBITS#1\stopDEBITS {\bgroup \def\debit{\dosingleempty\dodebit}% \def\dodebit[##1]% {\def\dododebit####1{\dodododebit[##1]{####1}}% \dosinglegroupempty\dododebit}% \def\dodododebit[##1]##2% {\hbox to\hsize{\strut##1\hfill##2}}% \vbox{\hsize4cm\hrule#1\hrule}% \egroup} \starttext %\tracingmacros1 \startDEBITS \debit [Text] {100} ttt \debit [Text] {200} xxx \stopDEBITS %\tracingmacros0 \stoptext Hans, can you give us a hint what we are doing wrong or can you make a simple example to show us how we can create optional arguments between braces. Wolfgang