Fabrice Couvreur mailto:fabrice1.couvreur@gmail.com 9. Juli 2016 um 12:17 Hi Wolfgang,
In the first example, so I do not need the command \currentheadnumber but just do:
\setuphead [chapter] [command=\HeadTitle, headstyle=\ss, numbercommand=\Headed] ConTeXt passes the section number to the argument of the \Headed command. But in this second example, using the command \determineheadnumber[chapter], the chapter number is always 0 You need \determineheadnumber[...] each time when the value for \currentheadnumber should change. \setuppagenumbering[location=footer]
\startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} picture r ; r := image ( graphictext \MPstring{chapter} scaled 4pt withfillcolor \MPcolor{lightgray} withpen pencircle scaled 1pt ; ) ; draw r ; \stopusableMPgraphic
\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\setMPtext{chapter}{\bf#1} \useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
\setuphead [chapter] [command=\HeadTitle, headstyle=\ss, numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber{\currentheadnumber}] The following works here.
\startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} picture r ; r := image ( graphictext "\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}" scaled 4pt withfillcolor \MPcolor{lightgray} withpen pencircle scaled 1pt ; ) ; draw r ; \stopusableMPgraphic \def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} \setuphead [chapter] [command=\HeadTitle, headstyle=\ss, numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber] Wolfgang