On 2025-03-02 11:38, Thomas Meyer wrote:
> Hi Rik and autumnus,
> Sorry for my late reply, but thank you very much for your
> suggestions on this topic. Your calculations are very complicated I
> think. However, the type area is not the end of the story.
> Unfortunately, the line length remains the same with your
> suggestions, even if the font size is reduced. For good readability,
> however, the number of characters in the line should remain more or
> less constant and not increase. In any case, that's what I've read.
> I have therefore orientated myself on this: https://
> wiki.contextgarden.net/Introduction/From_LaTeX_to_ConTeXt/KOMA-
> scrartcl_Type_Area
> It looks like this for me now:
> \definebodyfontenvironment[12pt][interlinespace=15pt]
> \setupbodyfont[libertinus, 12pt]
> \setuppagenumbering[location={footer,middle},
> alternative=doublesided]
> \setupindenting[yes, small, next]
> %\enablemode[BCOR] % Set binding correction value .
> \doifmodeelse{BCOR}{\def\bindingcorr{5mm}}{\def\bindingcorr{0pt}}
> % Set visible page width. \newdimen\PageWidth
> \PageWidth=\dimexpr(\paperwidth-\bindingcorr)
> % Determine the paper aspect ratio. \edef\Ratio{0.618}
> %Golden Ratio
> % Set the textarea height proportional to the width.
> \newdimen\Height \Height=41\baselineskip % constant
> number of lines (41) \newdimen\Width \Width=\dimexpr(\Ratio\Height)
> % Set the margin/gutter widths to be equal on a full spread. %
> \newdimen\Back \Back=\dimexpr(((\PageWidth - \Width) / 2) +
> \bindingcorr)
> \enablemode[oneside] \newdimen\Back \doifmodeelse{oneside}
> {\Back=\dimexpr(((\PageWidth - \Width) / 2) + \bindingcorr)}
> {\Back=\dimexpr(((\PageWidth - \Width) / 3) + \bindingcorr)}
> % Set the top and bottom margins in a 1:2 ratio, ignoring headers.
> \edef\Top{\the\dimexpr((\paperheight - \Height) / 3 - 3\lineheight)}
> % Redefine \Height to include header and footer space.
> \Height=\dimexpr(\Height + 8\lineheight)
> % Set up the page layout using the calculated parameters.
> \setuplayout[ backspace=\the\Back, height=\the\Height,
> width=\the\Width, header=2.5\lineheight,
> headerdistance=0.5\lineheight, footer=4.5\lineheight,
> footerdistance=0.5\lineheight, bottom=2\lineheight,
> bottomdistance=0.5\lineheight, margindistance=0.2\lineheight,
> topspace=\Top, grid=on, ]
> \starttext
> \showgrid
> \input knuth
> \input tufte
> \input knuth
> \input tufte
> \showlayout[1, pt, mm]
> \stoptext
> If I am wrong, please correct me.
> Greetings Thomas
You are correct that these are two different approaches. The
version I showed calculates fixed top and side margins based on
page size and computes a type area of specific proportions after
that. The user is still responsible for determining an appropriate
font size and leading, and the line count follows from that. Your
solution starts with a font size, leading and line count, then
computes text height, and lastly text width, splitting the
remaining space among the margins.
I think that there are a couple of problems with the code as shown.
- It conflates paper size and page size -- try adding
\setuppapersize[A5][A3] and you will see what I mean.
- I do not see where your solution adapts the width to the
alphabet width -- the referenced wiki page does; your version
uses \baselineskip an an indirect stand-in. (Also, the comment
is now misleading: Width is set proportionate to the determined
height, not height proportionate to a determined width.) As far
as characters per line, there are so many variables -- serif or
sans, large or small x-height, ... but for single column texts
with book faces 50 to 70 characters width is typical, 40 to 50
for two-column setting. You pick your authority and make your
choice --
- Binding correction is a press-time issue. Page layout should
not deal with it -- it is handled during imposition after the
paper weight and binding methods are settled. Two different
trades. (If you need a quickie leaflet printed on standard
untrimmed paper perhaps you might want to look at it, but not
beyond that.) As long as you don't use BCOR mode, however, this
is irrelevant to your layout, and I would remove all references
to it.
- Is this for a one-sided or two-sided document? You have \setuppagenumbering configured for
two-sided, but calculate margins based on a mode suggesting a
one-sided document.
Other than that, it does a fine job. Perhaps best practice calls
for \relax at the end of some of the \dimexprs, but that isn't
necessary in this case.