Hi, the following code breaks compilation here (XP SP3). \starttext \limitatefirstline{\underbar{WqTextdummy}}{8ex}{...} \stoptext [..] systems : begin file crop2 at line 2 ! Emergency stop. \processisolatedwords ...latedlastskip \lastskip } \setbox 2\normalvbox {\lef... \redounderbar ...sisolatedwords {#2}\dodounderbar \egroup \limitatefirstline ...ratchbox \hbox {\begstrut #1 \endstrut }\ifdim \wd \scr... l.4 ...firstline{\underbar{WqTextdummy}}{8ex}{...} ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! MtxRun | loading configuration for r:/tex/texmf/web2c from r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/d0b787cd25b9175dc4eaa276af366360/trees/b69cd8db662fdc8e4c09165909c3f8af MtxRun | run 1: luatex --fmt="r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/d0b787cd25b9175dc4eaa276af366360/formats/cont-en" --lua="r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/d0b787cd25b9175dc4eaa276af366360/formats/cont-en.lua" "./crop2" MtxRun | fatal error, code: 1 I also tried with latest untouched minimals, but same result. If I remove the \underbar macro, things work ok. My first thought was, that this is related to attributes. *Strangely the example has no problems on contextgarden.* Can anyone with Windos OS test, if this is a general (windows) problem? Thanks. Best wishes, Peter