Hi there, after more than five years using LaTeX (Lambda and XeLaTeX, this one for the last months), I have decided to give ConTeXt a try. LaTeX is fine for me: I have typeset my own dissertation in Philosophy (with ancient Greek and Unicode) and a couple of books. But the modular design makes things tricky at the end, and I would like to give ConTeXt (with XeTeX and LuaTeX when it comes) a try. At the same time, I would like to switch from TeX to XML. TeX is fine, but XML is better for other than typographical purposes. Coming from the humanities, I guess the right choice is TEI (P5 is expected to be released before middle of the following year). I had some experience with XML and Docbook some years ago, but that was before I switched to Linux and Docbook aims to technical documentation (and I'm not a technical guy). I guess I can mix ConTeXt and XML with the eXaMpLe framework (I have just read about it at wiki.contextgarden.net). In order to understand TEI and ConTeXt, I would like to be able to create the files that will be able to compile an TEI XML document with ConTeXt without having to convert it to ConTeXt. I would like to avoid XSL and XSL-FO. I guess it should be something similar DocbookInConTeXt, but I don't know whether it uses the eXaMplE framework (I don't even know whether . Could anyone comment on this topic? I mean, whether the described task could be achieved with ConTeXt, which issues may arise, whether this is the best approach to the issue, whether I miss something, and so on. Thanks for your help, Pablo