Hi Tomas, The rawstep module is to be used with mkii, and the spurious « yes » you see appears only when you typeset with mkiv. On the other hand, it is true that \SetupSteps is not defined or recognized, and \StartSteps does not honor the optional arguments, when given. I have been using an old version of rawsteps for some time and do not remember these optional arguments nor having used \SetupSteps. Here is a file which you can use and change whatever does not suit you. If you want to use it as an \input file, please uncomment the line 420, containing %\doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} Best regards: OK
On 06 Oct 2015, at 17:24, Tomas Hala
wrote: Hello all,
I would like to ask for a piece of help with presentations.
I decided to use the way described at http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Presentations and http://wiki.contextgarden.net/RawSteps. (I use TL 2015.)
Problems I came across are: 1. On the first slide, a line with the word "yes" has been generated. (Sometimes more than once, in dependence of number of modules.) 2. Command SetupSteps is undefined. 3. Command StartSteps is defined but not applied.
What I am doing wrong? Is somewhere any more detail documentation?
------------------------ Almost minimal example: ------------------------
\usemodule[pre-original] \usemodule[rsteps] \usemodule[pre-60]
\setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \setuptolerance[verytolerant,stretch] \setupinteractionscreen[option=max] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=middlered] \useURL [garden][http://contextgarden.net][][Context garden]
\TitlePage {pre-funny\\Title Page} The \from[garden] site is useful.
\page The \from[garden] site is useful.
\page \StartSteps[Topic][Topic Title] This is a topic slide. \NextStep Another step. \StopSteps
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