Dear List users, I just heard about ConTeXt on the lingtex list. I am a rather old and experienced Latex user, and, although rather unsatisfied, I have tons of latex sources for constant reuse. My first questions are Is there any hope that I can painlessly reuse my Latex code in Context? Is there any hope that I can ever use Latex styles (some more complicated macro defs) in Context? Thanks for help. Viktor +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Viktor Tron v.tron@ed.ac.uk| |3fl Rm8 2 Buccleuch Pl EH8 9LW Edinburgh Tel +44 131 650 4414| |European Postgraduate College www.coli.uni-sb.de/egk| |School of Informatics www.informatics.ed.ac.uk| |Theoretical and Applied Linguistics www.ling.ed.ac.uk| | @ University of Edinburgh, UK www.ed.ac.uk| |Dept of Computational Linguistics www.coli.uni-sb.de| | @ Saarland University (Saarbruecken, Germany) www.uni-saarland.de| |use LINUX and FREE Software www.linux.org| +------------------------------------------------------------------+