On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Mikael Persson
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 8-4-2010 7:40, Mikael Persson wrote:
Ok Hans, with the beta from yesterday the absolute values change size, but there are some problems still:
1) The absolute value bars are not just "straight lines" when using \big and friends, but som kind of line that is thicker in the middle. (zoom i on attached pdf)
this is because lm has no such characters so they are made from the smaller ones (extensible characters)
in traditional lm this can go unniticed (depends a bit in the exact definition but in mkii you will see two stacked | just not touching but in mkiv we use overlap - which is custom in opentype anyway); so what you observe is an artefact of the viewer - it might be that future versions of luatex deal better with this as it relates somewhat with how things are dealt with in the backend but you will observe similar effects in pdftex
in an earlier version i used rules but then found out that the | has round tops (ok, i could use pdf literals to draw lines but not today)
2) The horizontal spacing in the \big version seems to be bigger than for the \bigl/\bigr version (and similar for \Big vs \Bigl/\Bigr). I'd expect the same spacing (the l and r are just there for the writer to easily see what is left and what is right).
repaired .. (i also added \plainbigmathmode
3) I'd expect that \| gives double bars, like the || one get from \Vert and not |. This is not so (see the attached file). Moreover, it is not possible to do \bigl\Vert right now to get a bigger ||.
i've added double bars so this works:
$\biggl\Vert x^n\biggr\Vert$ $\biggl{||} x^n\biggr{||}$ $\biggl|\biggl| x^n\biggr|\biggr|$
there will be a new beta later today or tomorrow
Thanks for you answer and explanation. Is there a reason why you do not add \| to get double bars? This is the way it is done in LaTeX (OK, not really an argument). I'm just curious. Mikael