John Culleton wrote:
On Sunday 28 September 2008 08:13:15 am Hans Hagen wrote:
Frans Goddijn wrote:
Willi Egger helped me get a minimal install working on my mac and I'm working on a collection of columns illustrated with pictures. It's been a while since I used Context so I want to download some basic manuals to refresh my memory and learn new things.
On my Windows machine I can view/navigate and download manuals from the http://www.pragma-ade.nl/showcase.pdf page, but on my mac this doesn't work. In the Safari browser, nothing happens if I click on the "manuals" link. In Firefox, the showcase PDF is downloaded and I can open it. After allowing the file to go full screen, I get error messages for the links "there was an error opening this document/ the file cannot be found', execpt on the "quit" link ;-)
Is there a simple thing I should change to make it work on the mac as well? doesn't acrobat work? (the mac pdf browser is somewhat limited); best use acrobat reader as plugin
On my linux with AR8.1 as plugin to firefox using showcase.pdf works fine, but only via the browser window, and I installed the AR rpm from Adobe directly because the one in my distro (Mandriva 2008.1) was missing key plugins, "weblink" in particular. Best wishes, Taco