Dear list, how do I place a verbatim environment in the text such that the following paragraph is not indented? I expect the environment to behave the same as the formula-environment. How can I achieve this? --- minimal example --- \starttext \setupindenting[1.3em] \setupindenting[yes] \definetyping [R] [options=R, style={\ss}, before={\startframedtext [width=.975\makeupwidth, frame=off, bottomframe=on, topframe=on, background=screen, backgroundscreen=.95]}, after={\stopframedtext}, bodyfont=9pt, margin=1.3em] \input ward You can use the following syntax \startR f <- function(x) x^2 \stopR to define a function. (Begging of line should not be indented.) \input ward Have a look at \startformula f(x) = x^2 \stopformula where $f$ is a function. (No indent as expected.) \input ward \stoptext