On Thu 10 May 2012, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
one glaring omission to me was the lack of support for cross-references within bibliographical lists (e.g., you have a chapter in a book and want to refer back to item X in your list). This has been asked again and again on the zotero forums. Answer 2007: yes, this is coming real soon now. 2008: Well, it needs support from CSL, and may be a bit longer. 2009-2011: more requests, no reply. 2012, one of the developers: not any time soon... This makes CSL worthless to me, I'm afraid.
This is certainly a limitation for Zotero (I noticed it as well when I tried it out a little while ago) but I'm not sure that it's a problem for CSL. As I understand it, CSL defines formatting for typeset citations and bibliography entries. It's not meant to handle tasks such as cross-referencing chapter entries to their book entries -- that should be the job of the software (Zotero, Mendeley, etc.) which is using CSL for its formatting. My experience with CSL is limited, though, so I could be wrong about this. At any rate, CSL seems to be achieving a critical mass of usage and support, and there's a huge number of predefined, publicly available styles ( https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/wiki ). Pont