Hi all, Say I have a formula that is numbered as "1.1". The problem is when I use \in to refer to that formula, the reference only shows a number "1", and if interaction is enabled, the link does not work neither. The following is the code I use: \setupinteraction[state=start,focus=standard] \starttext \chapter{Test} \section{Test} \placeformula[eq:test] \startformula a + b \stopformula Eq \in[eq:test] \section{Test 2} \placeformula[eq:testtwo] \startformula a + b \stopformula Eq \in[eq:testtwo] \stoptext Another question is, how to make formula number without the chapter number?. Thanks~~ -- There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force.