Am 05.10.2017 um 22:40 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez:
On 10/05/2017 09:05 PM, luigi scarso wrote:
On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 8:18 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] Well, this is a minimal sample, but my real document is much bigger. Is there any way to convert the stream to something that ConTeXt can handle directly?
hm, the only reliable way that I know w is to convert it to a flattened png
Many thanks for your reply, Luigi.
The real graphic is a vector logo and I need to keep it as a vector image. I converted it from a SVG source into a PDF document (years ago).
I cannot remember if the vector image contains transparency. If needed, I would remove it from the image.
The way to convert it may be using Inkscape into a PostScript document and then to MetaPost using pstoedit (as I have just discovered).
Just a hint: pstoedit seems to be incompatible (uses a deprecated option) with the actual gs (v9.22). I tested it with v9.18 and all worked fine. Of course the transparency was removed in the process of the eps export. Not a real problem with the metapost code at hand. pstoedit -v -ssp -f "mpost:" transparent.eps transparent.mp Tested on Windows 10 (1703), Inkscape v0.92.2, gs v9.18, pstoedit v3.70; all 64bit
Is that right or could something get lost in the translation?
All unsupported features (like transparency).
Many thanks for your help,
Best wishes, Peter