Hi, I'm recently trying to get ConTeXt typesetting my books like with LaTeX before (or better). But I can't solve some problems ... Maybe someone can assist me? o How do I get the chapter number into the heading? I've tried \setupheader[before=\viii,style=normal] \setupheadertexts[chapter] but this only puts the chapter title into the heading o How can I get something similar to LaTeX? \fancyhead[C]{% {\sffamily\footnotesize \leftmark \pdef\next{\rightmark}% \ifx\next\empty\else\ \textbullet\ \rightmark\fi}% } which will put the chapter mark centered in the headings, and if there is a sectionmark then a bullet & sectionmark too. o How can I typeset the chapter title across both columns in a two-column setup? o How can I tell ConTeXt the distance between columns? Or should I define only the columnwidth? How? My first defintion looks like \setuplayout[width=358dd,lines=46,topspace=11mm,backspace=17mm, margin=0cm,marking=on,location=middle,grid=yes,header=12bp, headerdistance=18bp,footer=12bp,footerdistance=11mm] o How can I tell ConTeXt to balance the last page? I've tried something like \definecolumnset[two][n=2,tolerance=tolerant,distance=12bp] \setupcolumnset [two][balance=yes] but this doesn't work. o Is it possible to setup a project using only didot (or bp) point measurements? How? Especially I want a interline space in dd or bp which is flexible like \setupinterlinespace[line=1.25\bodyfontsize] but uses dd or bp. o I've tried to setup the typographical correct quotation marks for german in the file cont-sys.tex \setuplanguage [de] [leftquote=\rightsubguillemot, leftquotation=\rightguillemot, rightquote=\leftsubguillemot, rightquotation=\leftguillemot] When using it, e.g., \quotation{all right \quote{there} we go} and using \showstruts I got marks at strange places |»all right |there| we go|« Should this be corrected somewhere? o How do I get character protruding and font expansion? (I didn't find the latter in the manual) o I've tried to use my fontinst installation of HelveticaNeueLT in the main document with \usetypescriptfile [type-NeueHelvetica] \usetypescript [usw][NeueHelveticaLT] \setupbodyfont [NeueHelveticaLT, ss, 9.5pt] (first I tried 9.5dd but these doesn't showed any effect) with type-NeueHelvetica.tex: \starttypescript [sans] [NeueHelvetica] [\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-UltraLight] [lhnj8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-UltraLightItal] [lhnji8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Thin] [lhna8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-ThinItalic] [lhnai8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Light] [lhnl8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-LightItalic] [lhnli8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Roman] [lhnr8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Italic] [lhnri8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Medium] [lhnm8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-MediumItalic] [lhnmi8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Bold] [lhnb8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-BoldItalic] [lhnbi8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Heavy] [lhnh8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-HeavyItalic] [lhnhi8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-Black] [lhnc8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-BlackItalic] [lhnci8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definefontsynonym [HelveticaNeueLT-BoldOutline] [lhnbl8t] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [sans] [NeueHelvetica] [name] \definefontsynonym [SansBlack] [HelveticaNeueLT-Black] \definefontsynonym [SansBlackItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-BlackItalic] \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [HelveticaNeueLT-Bold] \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-BoldItalic] \definefontsynonym [SansHeavy] [HelveticaNeueLT-Heavy] \definefontsynonym [SansHeavyItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-HeavyItalic] \definefontsynonym [SansMedium] [HelveticaNeueLT-Medium] \definefontsynonym [SansMediumItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-MediumItalic] \definefontsynonym [Sans] [HelveticaNeueLT-Roman] \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SansLight] [HelveticaNeueLT-Light] \definefontsynonym [SansLightItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-LightItalic] \definefontsynonym [SansThin] [HelveticaNeueLT-Thin] \definefontsynonym [SansThinItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-ThinItalic] \definefontsynonym [SansUltraLight] [HelveticaNeueLT-UltraLight] \definefontsynonym [SansUltraLightItalic] [HelveticaNeueLT-UltraLightItal] \definefontsynonym [SansBoldOutline] [HelveticaNeueLT-BoldOutline] \definefontsynonym [SansTitling] [SansBoldOutline] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [usw] [NeueHelveticaLT] \definetypeface [NeueHelveticaLT] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \definetypeface [NeueHelveticaLT] [ss] [sans] [NeueHelvetica] [default] [rscale=1.00375,encoding=\defaultencoding] \definetypeface [NeueHelveticaLT] [tt] [mono] [default] [default] [encoding=\defaultencoding] \stoptypescript I didn't find a way to get dd or bp, so I tried rscale ... The first ad hoc try with %\starttypescript [usw] [NeueHelveticaLT] [size] % \definebodyfont % [4bp,5bp,6bp,7bp,8bp,9bp,10bp,11bp,12bp,14bp,18bp] % [ss] [sans] [NeueHelvetica] %\stoptypescript didn't work. And maybe there I need something for protruding and font expansion? (I have to admit that I don't understand the whole font handling in ConTeXt!) o Does there exist some support for RCS? In LaTeX I've used \RequirePackage[nofancy]{rcsinfo} and then I put in the page area of the crop marks: on top 'Art \& Satz \raise.5pt\hbox{\textbullet} Ulrich Dirr\hfill Seite »\thepage« \the\count1\ von \numpages' and on bottom <project specific info>\hfill \rcsInfoFile\ Rev.\rcsInfoRevision\hfill \the\day.\the\month.\the\year\ \printtime How can I put these information on the page? Should I use something you called 'Logo types' in the manual or something like layers? o Where are the command parameters fully explained? (Even in the manual they are just listed but not explained.) o In lang-ger.tex you defined "ck with \discretionary{k-}{k}{ck}. But on the other hand dehyphn.tex is used which is the new german hyphenation table. Then 'ck' will no longer be hyphenated like k-k. Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance Ulrich Dirr