Hi, I have this error: )) structure > sectioning > title @ level 2 : 0.0 -> Funció quadràtica structure > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 0.0.1 -> Seccions còniques structure > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 0.0.2 -> Construcció geomètrica d'una paràbola structure > sectioning > subsection @ level 4 : -> Definició ! Undefined control sequence. system > tex > error on line 57 in file /home/xan/SYNC/cepasud-raw-mercurial/classe/ESPA4/planificació/Tema1-Funció-quadràtica/97-Quadràtica-a-la-realitat.conTeXt: Undefined control sequence ... 47 {\framed[frame=off]{ 48 \starttikzpicture[domain=(-1):1, scale=4, smooth,decoration={ 49 markings,% switch on markings 50 mark=% actually add a mark 51 between positions 0 and 1 step 0.5 52 with 53 { 54 \draw[color=gray] (0,-2pt) -- (0,2pt); 55 } 56 }] 57 >> \coordinate (F) at (0,0.25); 58 \draw[very thick] (-2.2,-0.25) -- (2.2,-0.25) node[right] {$r$}; 59 \draw[color=blue, very thick] plot (\x,{(\x)^2}); 60 61 \foreach \x in {1,0.5,0.75} 62 { 63 \draw[very thick,color=green, loosely dashed,postaction={decorate}] (\x, -0.25) -- (\x , {(\x)^2}); 64 \draw[very thick,color=green, loosely dashed,postaction={decorate}] (\x , {(\x)^2}) -- (F); 65 } 66 \filldraw[color=red] (F) circle (0.5pt); 67 \draw (F) node[anchor=north] {$F$}; \tikz@nlt ^^@-\pgfapproximatenonlineartranslation \tikz@fig@continue ...e@transformations \tikz@nlt \setbox \tikz@whichbox =\h... <to be read again> ; l.57 \coordinate (F) at (0,0.25); ? with this code: % Paràbola amb Focus = (0,0.25) i Directriu (x,-0.25) \placefigure[here] [taula:construcció-paràbola-1] {Paràbola amb directriu $r$ i focus $F$} {\framed[frame=off]{ \starttikzpicture[domain=(-1):1, scale=4, smooth,decoration={ markings,% switch on markings mark=% actually add a mark between positions 0 and 1 step 0.5 with { \draw[color=gray] (0,-2pt) -- (0,2pt); } }] \coordinate (F) at (0,0.25); \draw[very thick] (-2.2,-0.25) -- (2.2,-0.25) node[right] {$r$}; \draw[color=blue, very thick] plot (\x,{(\x)^2}); \foreach \x in {1,0.5,0.75} { \draw[very thick,color=green, loosely dashed,postaction={decorate}] (\x, -0.25) -- (\x , {(\x)^2}); \draw[very thick,color=green, loosely dashed,postaction={decorate}] (\x , {(\x)^2}) -- (F); } \filldraw[color=red] (F) circle (0.5pt); \draw (F) node[anchor=north] {$F$}; \stoptikzpicture}} this happens when I updated to the latest version: $ sh ./first-setup.sh --context=beta --modules=all --engine=luatex What happens there? Thanks, Xan