On 2021-05-21, Hans Hagen
On 5/21/2021 10:50 AM, Nicola wrote:
On 2021-05-20, Hans Hagen
wrote: One thing he asked is what I was asking you: it would be useful if there were a way to sync in the other direction as well. You mean sort of trying to deduce from the synctex file where to go in the pdf?
Yes. You provide a .tex file and a line number, and maybe also an optional column number, and mtxrun outputs a .pdf file, a page number and a coordinate pair or bounding box (I don't know what the best output is).
define 'tex file' ... is that the master file? in that case we're talking about the 'foo.synctex file' because how does a tex file knows what pdf is related?
Good point. I don't know how/if searching from source to PDF works in TeXShop when the source is split into several files. Nicola