On 2020-05-17, Aditya Mahajan
Since I already map the minor groups to preferred groups in `t-vim`, I think that a good compromise is to enable the minor groups by default. I can do that by adding statements similar to those above in `2context.vim`. This will not have any visual impact on any existing code, but will allow those who want to tweak the highlighting of minor groups to define their own syntax highlighting.
Uploaded a new version with a fix.
Thanks for looking into it. I will download and test that soon. A couple of remarks: 1. In one of my old documents, I had this command inside the colorscheme block: \setups{vim-minor-groups} Was that to achieve the same purpose? 2. The wiki has no mention of \startcolorscheme... \stopcolorscheme or \setups. An example of two would be very welcome! Nicola