Hi there, I have the following code: \mainlanguage[la] \definelinenote[linenote] \setuplinenote[linenote][rule=off,paragraph=yes,numbercommand=,inbetween=\qquad] \setupdescriptions[linenote][display=yes,location=serried,distance=1em]\starttext \startlinenumbering Sed \startlinenote[one]{entia: entitates W} entia \stoplinenote[one] non sunt multiplicanda \startlinenote[two]{praeter necessitatem: sine necessitate H} praeter necessitatem \stoplinenote[two]. \stoplinenumbering \stoptext And with latest beta I get an error, since blank spaces before \startlinenote...\stoplinenote are removed. So, the body contains “Sedentia” when it should read “Sed entia” (the same happens with praeter neccesitatem). I'm afraid this is a bug. The feature request is an option in linenotes that only number in the first linenote comming from the same line. You have this practice at line 7 from http://context.aanhet.net/epen2007/share/idris/cr-apparatus.pdf#page=46 and line 81 from http://context.aanhet.net/epen2007/share/idris/cr-apparatus.pdf#page=49. Could this feature be considered for future implementation? Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk