22 Jun
22 Jun
12:05 p.m.
Dear Hans, I just did some experiments with the new \setupformulaframed, which you added recently after a demand by Aditya. However it seems to me that it does not do exactly what one might expect, at least in the example below. Would it be possible to have a mechanism which gives somehow what Aditya was asking? % begin framed-frormula.tex \setupformulaframed[framecolor=red,frame=on,offset=1ex] \setupformula[option=frame,color=blue] \starttext \startplaceformula \startformula f(x) := \left\{ \startalign \NC = -1\NC\quad \mbox{if }\, x < 0 \NR \NC = +1\NC\quad \mbox{if }\, x > 0 \NR \stopalign\right. \stopformula \stopplaceformula \stoptext % end framed-frormula.tex Best regards: OK