I am a new user of simpleslides.
Linux 2.6.21 kernel, Slackware 12.0, teTeX
installed latest version of t-simpleslides via t-simpleslides.zip in /usr/share/texmf tree
Executed:   mktexlsr
confirmed:  appearance of t-simpleslides.tex in /usr/share/texmf/ls-R
confirmed:  path via kpsewhich t-simpleslides.tex
copied:      speaker_introduction-2min.tex  to my HOME directory, and
tried to compile it. Got the following errors:

system          : no macros found in module style=Boxed
system          : macros of module font=Bookman already loaded

... ... ...
! Undefined control sequence.
l.29 \SlideTitle
                 {Speaker's Name}

Incidentally, context system itself is running OK.
Am I missing something? Or, doing something silly?
Help requested. Thanks.