I'm stymied! I've looked at Hans' code for inserting a local toc into a chapter heading: http://ml-archives.mini.pw.edu.pl/ntg-context/msg04713.html I just can't get it to generate a local toc. Could someone please run the example. % output=pdftex \setuplist [section] [style=boldslanted, align=left, interaction=all, symbol=1, width=1em, pagenumber=no, before=, after=] \setuphead [chapter] [header=empty, style=BigHeadFont, alternative=command, command=\ContentsHead, page=right, after={\blank[2*big]}] \definefont[BigHeadFont][Serif at 36pt] \def\ContentsHead#1#2% {%\setupframed[frame=off] \framed[width=\hsize,offset=overlay] {\placesidebyside {\doifelsenothing{#1} {\framed[width=.6\hsize]{}} % dummy {\framed [width=.6\hsize,offset=1em,strut=no,align=right,background=screen] {In this chapter: \blank \placelist[section][criterium=chapter]}}} {\framed [width=.4\hsize,offset=1em,strut=no,align=left] {#1\par#2}}}} \starttext \title {Berend} \chapter {Berend} \section {Botje} \section {Botje} \section {Botje} \stoptext I've also a related question: Berend mentions a visual debugger, I want one! (by the way what is a visual debugger).