On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Lutz Haseloff
Hi Wolfgang,
it seems that some fonts need script=latn in \definefontfeature. (i copied and pasted from font-ini.tex)
So your file works here:
-------------------------- % engine=luatex
\definefontfeature [default] [script=latn,liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes]
\definefontfeature [smallcaps] [script=latn,liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes,smcp=yes]
\definefontfeature [oldstyle] [script=latn,liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes,onum=yes]
I looked into font-ini from my old installation and all fontfeatures where defined with the latin script, would be interesting to know why this has changed and if there is a reason for this.
\definefont[pan][file:texgyrepagella-regular*default] \definefont[pas][file:texgyrepagella-regular*smallcaps] \definefont[pao][file:texgyrepagella-regular*oldstyle]
\definefont[can][file:CAMBRIA*default] \definefont[cas][file:CAMBRIA*smallcaps] \definefont[cao][file:CAMBRIA*oldstyle]
\definefont[con][file:CORBEL*default] \definefont[cos][file:CORBEL*smallcaps] \definefont[coo][file:CORBEL*oldstyle]
\pan ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\pas ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\pao ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\can ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\cas ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\cao ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\con ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\cos ANB anc 123 VA Ta
\coo ANB anc 123 VA Ta \blank
\starttabulate \NC ConTeXt \EQ \contextversion \NC\NR \NC LuaTeX Revision \EQ \number\luatexversion \NC\NR \NC LuaTeX Revision \EQ \number\luatexrevision \NC\NR \stoptabulate
The example works now as expected. Thank you very much Lutz, for the solution. Greetings Wolfgang