cohsb@gmx.de writes: Hello Chris,
is there a possibility to restart the numbering of footnotes? (i.e. i, ii, iii,... in the front matter, and then 1,2,3... in the body). I could switch to the roman numerals quite easily but I could not manage to let the new numbering start at 1.
Perhaps somebody knows a simple solution?
Since it is stated in the manual to look at core-not.tex, I did so and found the command \resetnummer[...]. I have no idea if this is ok to use (but I guess it is not, since Hans always comes up with a better solution ;->) but here is the simple hack anyway: \setupfootnotes[conversion=romannumerals] \starttext \startfrontmatter Some text\footnote{interesting}. \stopfrontmatter \resetnummer[footnote] \setupfootnotes[conversion=numbers] \startbodymatter Some text\footnote{interesting}. \stopbodymatter \startbackmatter Some text\footnote{interesting}. \stopbackmatter \stoptext
I also tried to use parts for that, which just led to funny page numbers but did not have any influence on the footnote numbering at all.
Then give this a try: \setupfootnotes[conversion=romannumerals,way=bypart] \starttext \part {one} Some text\footnote{interesting}. \part {two} \setupfootnotes[conversion=numbers] Some text\footnote{interesting}. \part {three} Some text\footnote{interesting}. \stoptext Patrick