"interaction=sectionnumber" rather than "interaction=all" doesn't seem to help here... Alan On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 09:33:53AM -0400, Mathieu DUPONT wrote:
As for the interaction patching, in the following example I can't figure out how to have, for the chapter lines, only "CHAPTER 1" being the interaction and not "the title" + "the dots line" + "the page number", as it is the case with this code. The example is minimal, but I left everything I am afraid could be dropped by a solution.
Thanks for help !
\setupcombinedlist[content][ level=3, alternative=c, ] \unprotect \define[3]\ChapterList{\vbox{ \setuplocalinterlinespace[line=2.8ex] \listparameter\c!before \leftskip\listparameter\c!margin \noindent\currentlistsymbol\crlf#2\enspace\listdots\enspace#3 \par \listparameter\c!after \setuplocalinterlinespace[line=4.2ex] }} \protect
\setuplist[chapter][ label=yes, alternative=vertical, command=\ChapterList, interaction=all, ] \starttext
\startfrontmatter \placecontent \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter \chapter{CHAPTER} \section{SECTION} \subsection{SUBSECTION} \stopbodymatter