Hi Otared, Am 01.02.2008 um 08:07 schrieb Otared Kavian:
Hi all,
I checked in some Persian printed books, and noticed that the rule is to write 18% or rather
However I don't know of any book in Persian on rules of typography. But I am asking some people in Iran about the issue.
Regarding the treatment of numbers, indeed numbers are written (and read…) in the usual way, but in XeConTeXt or in XeTeX (I don't know still how to typeset an Arabic or Persian file with mkiv LuaTeX), there is an issue with separators of digits: for instance if one writes (in the source file)
۱۲۳ ۴۵۶ ۷۸۹
(meaning 123 456 789, using a space as a separator between thousands) then one gets in the typeset file
۷۸۹ ۴۵۶ ۱۲۳
that is 789 456 123. To overcome this issue one may write
\beginL ۱۲۳ ۴۵۶ ۷۸۹ \endL
and then the output is correct, ...
Maybe I missed the point: don't both lines produce the same output: ۱۲۳ ۴۵۶ ۷۸۹ ? \TeXXeTstate=1 \definedfont["GeezaPro" at 16pt] \starttext ۱۲۳ ۴۵۶ ۷۸۹ \beginL ۱۲۳ ۴۵۶ ۷۸۹ \endL \stoptext ... or was this a confusion of multi-script e-mails? Steffen