Hi all, I've been fiddling around with metaobj a bit, but defining my own objects failed. After some debugging, I've reduced this to a metapost / context MkIV issue (so no metaobj specifics anymore). What happens, is that vardefs that use @# as a placeholder in their name only work when they are defined in an external .mp file. When I define them inside context (\startMPcode or \startMPinclusions), I get funny errors (mostly "Isolated expression", which seems to mean that the macro is not defined). I suspect this is because the way context extracts metapost code. Is this a fundamental problem, or could it be fixed? The following context file will easily reproduce the problem: \starttext \startMPcode vardef foo = draw (0mm,0mm)--(10mm,10mm); enddef; foo; vardef xy@# = (@#,@#) enddef ; draw xy0mm -- xy10mm; \stopMPcode \stoptext Running this file gives the following (first) error: mplib | mp terminal: >> xy0mm ! Improper `addto'. To illustrate that this is specific to the use of @#, I've included the foo vardef which does work properly. When I move the vardef xy.. line to a separate file, say foo.mp, and replace it with "input foo;", the errors disappear. Gr. Matthijs