On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 01.12.2011 um 22:02 schrieb Chris Lott:
I'm new to ConTeXt, but I have searched for this myself... I'm trying to format the footnote numbers that appear in the text of my documents. I've used this to change them from being blue (there may be a better way-- I am generating PDFs for print, so don't need the hyperlinks) using the following: \setupinteraction[state=start,color=black,contrastcolor=black]
Why do you enable hyperlinks etc. when you don’t need them?
Because I don't (yet) know how to disable them. I decided to switch from LaTeX and needed to do so quickly as it appears it will-- in the long term-- meet my needs more effective. But my workflow at the moment is Markdown ->Pandoc ->ConTeXt via context xxx.tex, which spits out a PDF with blue, hyperlinked bookmarks (which don't work very well with footnotes on screen anyway) to footnotes. Thanks for the formatting example, which takes care of the immediate need. c