On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 05:29:10PM +0200, Saša Janiška wrote:
Yeah, I kmow about using e.g. AsciiDoc(tor)’s docbook5 backend to export to DocBook which can be used as input format in Pandoc, but the problem is if I would liek to e.g. use Pandoc to create e.g. reveal.js presentation, then AsciiDoc input is of no help, since one can only do:
{txt,md} --> Pandoc --> reveal.js
but why couldn't you do: AsciiDoc => DocBook => Pandoc => reveal.js Albeit, an extra step?
IMO, if you are debating on learning Context, i think that would be a good use of your time.
I also believe the same, although, interestingly, footnotes-withing-footnote does not work with MkIV. :-)
It worked for me, here was my source: I've reached a stage in my life where, and perhaps its older age, but certain things mean more. As I said, the printed word, says so much. \footnote {As opposed to sad songs. \note [footej]} \footnotetext [footej] {Sorry Elton.\note [footdes]} \footnotetext [footdes] {Elton John, and probably Bernie Taupin, are credited with the song, "Sad Songs Say So Much".\note [footdesmore] \footnotetext [footdesmore] {This song was also used as a commercial... so much for artistic integrity. fwiw, Russ