On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Mojca Miklavec < mojca.miklavec.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
I have tried to compile an old document (written in mkii times). Among other problems that I yet need to isolate, the following minimal example doesn't want to compile: $\bigl| x \bigr>$ since <|> aren't recognized as candidates for delimiters. There is a workaround of course (using \langle, \rangle, ... instead of <>), but the three characters are just way too handy to use.
| works fine here. < and > don't. I did not know that \left< is equivalent to \left\langle even in plain tex. I suppose that the behaviour in mkii comes from these lines:
\definemathcharacter [<] [nothing] [sy] ["68] [ex] ["0A] \definemathcharacter [>] [nothing] [sy] ["69] [ex] ["0B]
I guess mkii is imitating plain tex here. (Though, I could not find how this is happening in plain tex)
But I'm not sure where mkiv could be changed.
I don't know how to do this. < should behave like a rel without a \left, and like a delimited with \left.
I have tried to use adobename="greater", ... mathspec={ { class="binary", name="gt" }, { class="close", name="rbrace" }, }, but without any success.
rbrace!!. Probabably you want rangle. You can change the order of the two, and then > will map to rangle, but you will have to use \gt to get the relation symbol. Aditya