On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 2:01 AM Jethro Djan via ntg-context
I want to get underbraces under matrices in a math alignment environment. I’ve reproduced my problem here:
\definemathmatrix [pmatrix] [left={\left(\,},right={\,\right)}]
\starttext \placeformula[-]\startformula\startmathalignment \NC\ A \NC=\underbrace{ \startpmatrix \NC 5\NC 5\NR \NC -1\NC 7\NR \stoppmatrix}\NR \NC\NC=\underbrace{ \startpmatrix \NC 2\NC 1\NR \NC 4\NC 2\NR \stoppmatrix}\NR \stopmathalignment\stopformula \stoptext
How can I achieve this?
Hi Jethro, Temporary workaround: use the simplecommand. \definemathmatrix[pmatrix][matrix:parentheses][ simplecommand=pmatrix, ] \starttext % \placeformula[-] \startformula \startalign \NC A \NC = \underbrace{\pmatrix{5,5;-1,7}}_{B} \NR \NC\NC = \underbrace{\pmatrix{2,1;4,2}}_{C} \NR \stopalign \stopformula % \placeformula[-] \startformula A \alignhere= \underbrace{\pmatrix{5,5;-1,7}}_{B} \breakhere = \underbrace{\pmatrix{2,1;4,2}}_{C} \stopformula \stoptext But the code you were using should in principle also work. /Mikael