Hello, I'm trying to use the BrickToBrick.ttf font. It can be freely downloaded from http://moorstation.org/typoasis/designers/klein05/pic05/brick2brick.htm. Problems are: 1) What's the best destination where the BrickToBrick.ttf should be placed? (Now, I've copied the file to c:\ConTeXt\tex\texmf-local\BrickToBrick.ttf.) 2) How to make ConTeXt realize that a new (.ttf) font has been added to use? Is it necessary to run any special routine? 3) How to use the font? I tried: \definefont[BRICK][BrickToBrick.ttf at 30pt] \starttext {\BRICK abcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTSUVWXYZ 0123456789 } \stoptext But I got just letters and numbers. 4) Another thing is that there are only 14 pictures (= letters) in the font. So I don't know whether to use them via "a", "b", "c"... and what would happen for "z" as for 25th letter, or how. - I saw this font working - it was used in the thick "Book of Fonts III" by Pavel Stříž; it was used in the right bottom quarter at page 171. But the book was typeset by pdfLaTeX and I'd like to make it work in ConTeXt. Thank you in advance. Lukas