Now I got it and I got it working :) Thanks a lot! By the way, is there a difference between \cite and \citation? On 27.01.2015 04:59, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:13:09 +0100 Jörg Weger
wrote: * normal reference in brackets: author <space> year, no comma: e.g. “(Einstein 1904)”
* author is named in the text, only year in brackets: e.g. “As it has been proven by Einstein (1904) …”
* if page numbers are to be given in the citation: colon after year, followed directly (without space) by page number(s)/range: e.g. “(Einstein 1904:351)” or “(Einstein 1904:251 f.)” or “(Einstein 1904:251 ff.)” or “(Einstein 1904:226–231)”.
This feature is currently *broken* (and we need to fix it).