Indeed I also get the results as you describe them. When looking at the file *.tmp then you see, that the figure is generated on the fly. When external figure is issued, then the textwidth is the base and therefore the figure ends up leftaligned. -- In such cases I prefer to have the figures prepared in a separate pdf-file by means of \startTEXpage -- \stopTEXpage. Afterwards I include the TEXpages with \externalfigure referencing the page in the file obtained. -- In my experience this makes the runs faster. Kind regards Willi M.J. Kallen wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to determine how to best insert a figure/graph created using the tikz/pgf module (I'm using v1.10). The attached sample file compares the result of just using \placefigure and \placefigure with \startcombination[1*1]. In the first case, the result is not centered (which should be default in ConTeXt, if I'm correct) but flushed left. Only if I place the figure inside a \startcombination by using \input, do I get the desired result. If I use \externalfigure inside the \startcombination, I again get an incorrect result.
In theory, the first version should work but some special settings (using e.g. \useexternalfigure) may be required. I do not know why the second version does work. Does anyone have an idea?
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\usemodule[tikz] \setupfloat[figure][location=middle,frame=on]
\startbuffer[tikz] \starttikzpicture \draw[red,thick] (0,0) -- (1,1) {[rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)} -- (3,0) -- (2,1); \stoptikzpicture \stopbuffer
\placefigure [here] [fig:test1] {The figure is flushed left, whereas it should be centered.} {\externalfigure[tikz.tmp]}
\placefigure [here] [fig:test2] {Using \type{\startcombination[1*1]} together with \type{\input}, the result looks as expected.} {\startcombination[1*1] {\input test-pgf-tikz.tmp } {} \stopcombination }
\placefigure [here] [fig:test3] {Using \type{\startcombination[1*1]} together with \type{\externalfigure}, the result looks again as in the first figure.} {\startcombination[1*1] {\externalfigure[tikz.tmp]} {} \stopcombination }
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