On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Hans Hagen
On 9/27/2014 12:07 PM, Akira Kakuto wrote:
However the resulting PDF shows incorrect characters.
Incorrect characters are in "Hirakana" and "Katakana". The incorrect Japanese characters are also shown in the case of "SourceHanSans-Regular.otf", the same feature in the case of "NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf". On the other hand, if I use "SourceHanSansJP-Regular.otf", all characters seem to be correct. All fonts are version 1.001.
\definefont[testa][file:notosanscjk-regular.otf at 14pt] \definefont[testb][file:sourcehansansjp-regular.otf at 14pt]
\startTEXpage[offset=10pt] \testa 日本語のテスト。 \par \testb 日本語のテスト。 \stopTEXpage
gives the same output here (runs ok with your native ms bins, crashes with mingw experimental)
$ context --version mtx-context | ConTeXt Process Management 0.61 mtx-context | mtx-context | main context file: /opt/luatex/standalone-mkiv-new-I/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.mkiv mtx-context | current version: 2014.09.26 11:42 under linux 64bit luatex crashes with error message mtx-context | fatal error: no return code, message: luatex: execution interrupted luatex experimental is ok and gives that same result as u.pdf Under WINE (linux) mingw 64bit, luatex.exe Version beta-0.79.1 (TeX Live 2014/W32TeX) (rev 5041) is ok luatex.exe experimental is also also ok and both give the same result of u.pdf Hans reported that the most recent luatex.exe mingw64 experimental is also ok for him, so probably it was an old mingw64; we are seeing it just now. The font used is NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf, ver 1.001 -- luigi