Hi, I'm trying to print chapter and section titles in the margins, and it works fine, except that the chapter title is also printed on the same page as the chapter starts, which I find unnecessary. 1) Can I somehow (probably via the right \setuphead trick) disable this overlay only on chapter pages? 2) If I want to disable it on another page, is there some smart way of doint it, or should I just set it blank and then enable it when I know I'm on next page again? /Mikael PS The code I have right now is given below. It compiles, but the chapter title is shown on the first page... \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \defineoverlay[mymargin][{\framed[frame=off,width=0.8in,height=0.8\textheight,offset=overlay,align={top}]{\doifrightpageelse{{\startalignment[flushleft]\getmarking[chapter]\stopalignment}}{{\startalignment[flushright]\getmarking[section]\stopalignment}}}}] \setupbackgrounds[text][rightmargin][background=mymargin] \starttext \chapter{Foo} \dorecurse{15}{\section{Bar}\input ward\par} \stoptext