Apparently this difference comes from this change in font-ots.lua near line 603. If I edit the file to put back the discretionary_code argument, the output is same with new beta. MWE (well as close to MWE I could write, requires EBGaramond unfortunately). \language[fr] \definefontfeature[feat][ mode=node, ccmp=yes, calt=yes, liga=yes, dlig=yes, hlig=yes, kern=yes, mark=yes, mkmk=yes, onum=yes, pnum=yes, salt=yes, script=latn, trep=yes, dlig=yes, cv91=yes, ss05=no, protrusion=quality, expansion=quality] \definefontfamily[mainfont][serif][EBGaramond][features=feat] \setupbodyfont[mainfont, 9pt] \setupalign[hanging, lesshyphenation, hz] \starttext \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\hsize=8.43cm T advint qu'il y eut famine au pays/ oultre la premiere famine/ qui fut au temps de Abraham. Et Izahak s'en alla vers Abimelech Roy des Philisthins en Gerar}\box\scratchbox \stoptext De : josephcanedo@gmail.com Envoyé le :jeudi 13 octobre 2016 10:17 À : mailing list for ConTeXt users Objet :Changes in hyphenations with 2016-10-12 beta Dear list, After ugrading to latest beta (to test typesetting with it for now), I noticed that some words that used to be hyphenated with previous versions are no longer hyphenated in the output, especially when the word break used to happen at a ligature (for example ‘st’ or ‘ct’). I had a quick look to the différences in files in tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base directory and I see some changes to font handling. Is this expected ? Or is there any mechanism to get the old behaviour ? I’ll try to build a MWE to show this if that’s required. Thanks a lot, Best regards Joseph Canedo