Hi all, I have to prepare a scientific poster, and of cause using anything except TeX is below a real scientist's dignity. The main problem is that I have to arrange content rather freely on the page, without the regularity imposed by using tables or columns. Using layers for this purpose is probably best. I have started with something like: \definelayer[ModelingLayer] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=ModelingLayer] \setlayer[ModelingLayer][position=no,x=1cm,y=1cm]{% \framed{Whatever}} This seems to work well enough for my purposes. Or does anybody have a better idea? Then please let me know. My main at the moment is positioning. I would like to position one layer relative to another. Say for example, 'top left edge of layer x 2cm below and 3cm right of bottom center of layer y'. So, how can I access the necessary values, i.e. x, y, width, depth, height of a layer? Or is there an easier way to do this? Greetings, Eckhart