[Sorry for probably breaking the threading -- long story with not using the mailing-list administrative interface correctly at first.] Aditya writes:
No time for a detailed answer, but what you need is the following: ...
Thank you -- that should work. I won't have many of these equation beasts, and I can annotate them with \mathop, \mathord, etc. without much trouble. If I get ambitious, I'll look into the LuaTeX parsing. But I fear that there aren't enough such equations to force me into learning that much of the internals. Maybe there's even an easier way with \mpos creating some kind of callback, whereby LuaTeX talks back to it after typesetting the math node? Perhaps it adds a field to the node tree (if that's the right word). But I am rapidly spiraling beyond my LuaTeX understanding... Nigel King writes:
Wow. I learnt about Maxwell's Equation 48 years ago. I never understood it then nor on the intervening time despite sometimes helping design antennas. The picture and its annotation definitely helps creating clarity. For my twopenneth the effort is very worthwhile.
The _Maxwell's Equations_ book is really good. I hope that mine can be two-thirds as good. -Sanjoy