9 Aug
9 Aug
7:04 a.m.
On 8/8/07, Peter Rolf
So you don't even need lua anymore. i see. but on windows you waste more than 7mb disk space this way. installing the lua binaries costs only 288kb. so where is the benefit?
- no need to install anything else (no huge ruby/perl or whatever) - bytcode compiler in sync with luatex internals - texlua has the libs that we need built in
it's just that i don't see the need for three identical files, when you can use one with different (mode switching) parameters. yes, i know. it's an early beta.
If you're concerned about the the 7 MB -- or in my case, not sure you'll remember to update all three files at once -- and you're on a machine with NTFS, you can create hard links. --Joel